In the periphery of the courses and internships led by Patrice Le Masson and in order to improve your personal approach to practice, Isadora Pointet, certified in Mental Preparation, offers you on request personalized support adapted to your level and your practice.

What is mental preparation?
Mental preparation is an accompaniment that aims to create or support the progress, motivation or success of the person. We are focused on supporting athletes: originally developed for high-level athletes, its use has gradually opened up to all levels and all sports disciplines. Its fields of application cover a wide range. By extension, its tools can be applied in many areas of our personal or professional life.

How does it work?
The mental trainer acts in accordance with the demands and objectives of the athlete. He discovers with him which behaviors are adapted to his progress, his success and / or his motivation, and which are the behaviors which must be readapted to allow this progression again.

The mental trainer can act on:
• An internal speech: the mental trainer makes the athlete aware of which thoughts or which words spoken act against him, to replace them with a constructive, soothing, motivating or stimulating speech.
• Stress management: it can appear in all kinds of situations. In our discipline, it is often triggered during a graduation, a demonstration, or during certain internships. Using concrete tools, the mental trainer accompanies the athlete to the heart of the event.
• Motivation: this is a central point of mental preparation. The question of motivation necessarily arises at all levels of practice, and can prove to be a real springboard when we are aware of all its causes and consequences. It is all the more reassuring to know when and why we will be motivated … or not! Awareness of one’s motivation is crucial if we want to make real and lasting progress.
• Concentration: rather than betting on a vague “focus” which means everything and nothing at the same time, the mental trainer explains how concentration works. He establishes with the athlete a clear plan of action that corresponds to a given situation, to remain unperturbed even under great pressure.
• Self-confidence and self-esteem: How do we see ourselves? In short are we proud? Are we only aware of what we think about ourselves? Practice often reveals what we refuse to see in the face. The goal of the mental trainer support here is to build step by step a healthy sense of confidence and self-esteem that act as valuable allies when we step out of our comfort zone.
• Mental imagery: To visualize your success is to put yourself in the mindset of a brilliant person. Patiently and regularly, the mental trainer teaches the athlete how to cultivate the state of mind that will allow him to move forward.
• Goal setting: We naturally set goals more or less consciously. In itself, this is not a bad thing, it becomes bad when we disappoint ourselves for not meeting these goals, let alone repeatedly. The mental trainer helps the athlete to set goals that will be promising both for his motivation and his progress, because their achievement will reveal both satisfaction, and a concrete observation of the constructive aspect of our practice.
• The routine: “last but not least” is one of the major tools in mental preparation. It is used to concretely build the relationship we have with ourselves, our practice, or even the events that come our way. You get it, we also work with this tool when we act on almost all of the points stated above. We could still talk about automatisms put in place and well put together that will allow us to face all kinds of situations, replacing stress and uncertainty with strength and joy.

It’s for you !
Very often, you act intuitively and more or less consciously on all the points mentioned above. It even happens that you act with a hit, but without realizing the results, or too little …
For both the instructor and the student, mental preparation will allow you to consciously act on the specific points that condition situations of success, motivation or progress.
It will be all the more rewarding to know that your brilliant achievement was certainly no accident!


La préparation mentale du sportif



























Certifiée en Préparation Mentale